Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental Analysis is the art of evaluating the intrinsic value of a stock to find long-term investing opportunities. It
is the process of looking at a business at the most basic or fundamental financial level.

Course Outline


Convenient Weekend Classes on Saturday & Sunday Only

Fundamental Analysis is the art of evaluating the intrinsic value of a stock to find long-term investing opportunities. It is the process of looking at a business at the most basic or fundamental financial level. This type of analysis examines the key ratios of a business to determine its financial health and it can give an idea of the value of its stock. It takes several factors into account, including revenue, asset management, and the production of a business as well as interest rate.

Course Details

  • Introduction of Fundamental Analysis
  • Top Down Approach in Fundamental Analysis
  • Economic Analysis
  • Industry Analysis
  • Script Selection – Share or Commodity Selection
  • Company Analysis (Valuation)
  • Golden Rules for Trading


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